
Creating the wall

Here you can see a wall where you can write your comment or question about the English class in Jacarilla or Zarautz. 

If you are from Zarautz, write on the green wall. If you are from Jacarilla, write on the red wall

Do not forget to write your NAME.

Make sure that everything you have written is OK. 

Thank you!

If you cannot see the wall, or if you want to see the whole wall, click HERE.


Marta blogmaniaca cuarta generacion said...

Jon that good idea, but how you write?

Jon Saavedra said...

Hi Marta!
You have to click twice(two times) on the place you want to add something.

Unknown said...

I like it!!

Unknown said...

That pimp, how nice.Ja,ja,ja.

Elias said...

Thanks Jon this chat is fantastic.Bye